Art is a place for children to learn to trist their ideas, themselves, and to explore what is possible. In my opinion, art is extremely important for the development of a series of skills in children that will prove to be essential in the future. When I think about art classes, I don't imagine painting within the lines, building animals with yogurts or drawings where the sky is always blue and the sun always yellow. The imagination and way of seeing the world through the eyes of a child is so rich that a space and a moment are necessary in which this power of artistic expression is nurtured. At OhFicina, Clara found that moment and that's why I can't help but share this beautiful project. The happiness that Clarinha has on her face at the end of each experience says it all! Here are some of those moments.
OHficina Fora de OHoras É um espaço de atividade em “tempo livre”, cuja cadência semanal permite crescer em sensibilidade e experiências, procurando sempre a autonomia das crianças deste grupo, convidando cada um a sentir-se parte ativa da construção e pensamento deste economato, ao mesmo tempo que usufrui e explora os materiais e o seu potencial infinito.
Público: dos 4 aos 15 anos;
Inscrições: geral@ohficina.pt